Herbal Hand Wash 300ML
Herbal Hand Wash 300ML
Why should we use herbal hand wash?
Hygiene starts with hands, This herbal hand wash from Balu Herbals is made from a plant-based product
and uses natural resources we followed the oldest process for making Ayurvedic herbal hand wash
which is eco-friendly and chemical-free
Lemon (Nimbu)
Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Indian lilac (Neem)
Safe on skin
Balu Herbal Ayurvedic hand wash is made from natural ingredients including lemon, tulsi, and neem. It is
chemical-free; preventing dermatitis and bacterial infections it gives relief from skin irritation and allergy
and promotes clear skin
Natural ingredients
Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that believes in using natural ingredients to maintain
good health. Unlike regular liquid hand washes that contain man-made chemicals like Sodium Lauryl
Sulphate (SLS) and Triclosan, which can be harmful to both the body and the environment, Ayurvedic
herbal hand wash use ingredients like neem, lemon, Tulsi, and natural oils to combat micro-organisms.
While SLS is a foaming agent that can make the skin dry, Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal
agent that can cause harm. Therefore, Balu Herbal Hand Wash believes in using natural ingredients that
are safe and effective in keeping your hands clean and healthy.
Environment Friendly
Every day, significant amounts of triclosan are released from households into rivers and other water
sources. It does not get eliminated during the water treatment process and can be highly toxic to certain
types of algae. Additionally, triclosan can react with chlorine and sunlight to produce dioxins, which can
exacerbate the problem.
Multiple healing properties
Ayurveda is a method of combining natural ingredients to obtain multiple benefits from the resulting
compounds. The ingredients are carefully selected to ensure that they do not react with each other and
cause any side effects. For instance, lemon is used for its antibacterial properties, while Indian
lilac(neem) is used for its healing properties. Similarly, holy basil (tulsi), and other ingredients are often
combined in varying proportions in the same product to maximize their benefits.
MRP 160/- inclusive of all taxes
Marketed By: Balu Herbals Pvt Ltd
Plot No 78, Anmagal, Near Banjara Colony, Hayathnagar, Telangana 501505.
Manufactured By: Balu Herbals Pvt Ltd
Plot No 78, Anmagal, Near Banjara Colony, Hayathnagar, Telangana 501505.
Country of Origin -India.